The Todd Herman Show

Answering Russell Brand’s question about his baptism, (praise God for that!) Ep-1571



Russel Brand was just baptized and I want to answer a question he asked in a recent video before he was baptized. But, beyond that, I want to speak into some of the responses people have to Russel Brand joining the Body of Christ. I share three seminal events in my life that absolutely showed me that God is very real and loves us.What does God’s Word say? John 3:1-21 Jesus Teaches Nicodemus3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.[a]”4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and