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Prehab for Suffering (Important Classic Episode for New or Hurting Listeners)



When Trouble Comes, You Fall to the Level of Your PreparationIf you're hurting, here's a classic episode to help you learn a new way to navigate suffering.That includes the way you view God's role in suffering. Here's a new thought from Job, and a couple of insights that will help you when trauma, tragedy, and other massive things (TMTs) strike.(Replay: Adapted and expanded from S9E75 Get a Good Theology Around Suffering)When hard times come, you will be overwhelmed with doubt, fear, and you'll be unsure of what to do next. Unless, that is, you have a good theology in place to answer the inevitable "why" questions. This episode will help you get your head on straight when life hurts.Scripture: Job 23:8-9, Psalm 139, Psalm 121, Psalm 29, Psalm 143 (00:02) - Introduction on suffering and trauma (02:20) - Insights from Bible study on prehab and new insights (04:39) - Trusting in God's work in the midst of suffering (06:21) - Finding hope and purpose in the midst of suffering (10:36) - Preparing for suffering and