Fight Back With Libby Znaimer

An Update on the Israel and Hamas War with Gershon Baskin



LEAD-RECOVERING POLITICIANS PANEL: A TORONTO COUNCILLOR SPENT $16,000 TO ATTEND A CONFERENCE Libby Znaimer is joined by George Smitherman, a former Ontario Liberal Health minister and Deputy Premier, Cheri DiNovo,  a former NDP MPP and Janet Ecker, a former Ontario PC MPP and finance minister. On today's panel discussion: a Toronto City Councillor's very expensive trip abroad, Ottawa's affordable housing funding directly to municipalities in Ontario and the latest on Queen's Parks' policy towards wearing the kaffiyeh on its grounds. THE LATEST ON THE ISRAEL-HAMAS WAR Libby Znaimer is now joined by Gershon Baskin, Middle East Director for the International Communities Organization, and Professor Dan Avnon Leon Blum Chair (emeritus) in Political Science at Department of Political Science at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Yesterday, urgent bulletins crossed the wire at the very end of this show saying that Hamas had accepted a ceasefire deal. It turned out it was not the deal that had been on the table