Jonny Gould's Jewish State

76: Emily Schrader and Yoseph Haddad come to London



Support Jonny and buy him a coffee. Yosef Haddad and Emily Schrader educate the world and rebut the lies told about the State of Israel. They’re an Israeli couple who are engaged to be married, but that doesn't mean they're a Jewish couple. Yoseph is an Arab Israeli from Nazareth while Emily, who’s Jewish is originally from Seattle, Washington in the US. They are both implacably committed to the Jewish and democratic State of Israel. Yoseph volunteered three years of his life to serve in the IDF (in the elite Golani battalion) and Emily made Aliyah when she was 23. They are highly regarded throughout the world for confronting the misinformation that libels the Jewish state in media, parliaments and educational elites every day. They came to London, where they met the Israeli ambassador, Tzipi Hotovely and headed to London’s Speaker’s Corner to take on antizionists and terrorist supporters. They then flew to Ireland and Yoseph spoke in the Irish parliament. This is an in-depth conversation in which we talk mov