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End of an Era: Celebrating Kasim's Legacy on Perpetual Traffic



we have some of Kasim Aslam’s best moments as co-host on Perpetual Traffic. Through a nostalgic journey spanning several years, we revisit discussions that not only shaped the trajectory of our strategies but also left a mark on our community. From the evolution of Google ads to the ethical intricacies of AI to conspiracy theories, Kasim's insights have consistently challenged and enriched our understanding. His hot takes and rigorous analyses not only highlight the dynamic nature of digital platforms but also underscore the enduring relevance of adapting to technological advancements. As we explore these themes, Kasim's legacy emerges as a beacon for innovative thinking and strategic agility in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing.Chapters:00:00:00 - A Fond Farewell: Commencing Kasim's Celebratory Send-off00:03:22 - The 1 Secret to Lowering Your CPAs by 60% on Meta00:32:24 - 6 Critical Campaigns for Success in Google Ads with John Moran00:42:29 - Why Google Might Be 1300X Smarter Than Facebook00:50:4