The Todd Herman Show

Nancy Pelosi crawled into an Oxford Union Debate. She got a populist smackdown from Winston Marshall Ep-1595



Nancy Pelosi slithered over to England and got herself into a debate in England at the Oxford Union Debate and lost to a man named Winston Marshall. Nancy Pelosi admitted that we must accept the results of hijacked elections, just as a famous conservative radio host told me many years ago. The sentient being, America can withstand stolen elections but cannot withstand Americans thinking that elections can be stolen. We will go through Winston Marshall’s impressive speech and we’ll witness the indictment of Pelosi as she interrupts him several times. What does God’s Word say? Psalm 37:12-1412 The wicked plot against the righteous    and gnash their teeth at them;13 but the Lord laughs at the wicked,    for he knows their day is coming.14 The wicked draw the sword    and bend the bowto bring down the poor and needy,    to slay those whose ways are upright.Episode 1,595  Links:A fantastic defense of populismYouTubers Catch Elite Hollywood Producer Trying to Date 15-Year-Old Girl and Then Shoot Him with Powder Gu