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1024. From Downturn to Upswing: Tactical Advice for Entrepreneurs Facing Economic Instability



In this episode of The Kelly Roach Show, Kelly explores essential business strategies for entrepreneurs facing economic instability and thriving amidst impending market disruptions. She shares insights tailored for small business owners and executive leaders bracing for future economic challenges.  Kelly highlights the opportunities for small businesses to grow even during economic downturns due to their minor market share. The discussion then shifts to strategic business adjustments in contraction markets and the importance ofresource management. By merging billion-dollar corporate strategies with savvy online entrepreneurship, Kelly outlines how to effectively harness one's network to ensure sustained business success. Also in this episode:  Small businesses with minimal market share have growth opportunities even in economic downturns, provided they pivot and adapt strategically. A strategic approach in contraction markets involves capturing market share from competitors and leaning out expenses, whil