Eternal Durdles

BIG NEWS as The Legacy Gambit Strikes Back



Sahar and Sarah discuss their plans for expanding their Legacy Gambit content creation. They mention their A to Z series, where they explore different Legacy decks, and their desire to showcase more current and popular decks. Sarah also reveals her plan to start Twitch streaming, focusing on educational content and reviewing gameplay. They discuss their upcoming appearances at Magic events and express their admiration for fellow Magic players. Sahar emphasizes the importance of supporting and celebrating the success of other players. The hosts discuss the importance of adapting to the changing metagame and the need to interact early in the game. They also talk about the state of Legacy and the impact of recent sets on the format. The hosts highlight the power of cards like Lava Spur Boots and Synthesizer in certain deck archetypes. They also discuss the importance of understanding the game's current dynamics and making strategic decisions based on that. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the need fo