The James Altucher Show

701 - What is Burnout? And How to deal with one with Behavioral Economist Natalie Rachel



What actually is burnout? August 2020, I wrote an article laying out why New York City is on the downfall with the hope of maybe someone would come up with the solution to save New York City. However, the backslash is real, the negative comments, losing friends, Friends losing friends, and even people that I used to be closed with, and Seinfeld wrote an article bashing me. It is then I truly felt the so-called "Burnout". I became less and less active on social media, and I will just play chess all day! However, I want to figure out how to get out of burnout, and what actually is burnout? In this episode, I have the behavioral economist that specializes in burnout, Natalie Rachel, on to talk about what is burnout? How did it occur? And how should I deal with it? She also shared her very own personal "Burnout" story. It is Terrifying! Mentioned: I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at Thanks so much for listening! I