Stuff Your Dad Knows

The World's Smallest Animal? Trick Question



Your kid may ask you what the world's smallest animal is. That's actually a trick question. It depends on how you define "animal". For example there is a type of wasp that is smaller even than some unicellular organisms. Host Ethan Millard and visiting co host Gary Michaels of 103.5 The Arrow figured out that what kids want is the smallest animal they can relate to on some level. They figured that has to be the Etruscan Shrew, which is furry and adorable and can fit on the end of your finger. The world's largest animal is an easier thing to explain. It's a blue whale. Period. Stuff Your Dad Knows is hosted by Ethan Millard.  What do you do when your children hit you up with crazy questions? Do you know the answer? Do you just pretend? Kids are smart, so this podcast empowers parents to answer those tough questions and stay at the top of the family food chain. If you want to be more efficient, just listen to the podcast with your children present. Then you don't have to be the information middle man. Family ha