The Permaculture Podcast

Creating a Permaculture Life and Livelihood with Michael Judd



Today’s episode is a new interview with Michael Judd, recorded by Mary Marshall and Andrew Tuttle, of Edge Perma. During this conversation, Michael shares a quick sketch of his background for listeners who aren’t familiar with him and his work, including time at the Bullock’s Permaculture Homestead Brother’s Farm on Orcas Island in Washington State. Michael then leads us through how he came to his permaculture career and how suggestions on how he makes it work for him and his family, from his early days as an edible landscaper and designer to his current role as a nurseryman, educator, and an event planner focusing on regenerative systems and education. Throughout, he shares stories and personal anecdotes as only he can. Ten years ago, in 2014, I traveled from my home in Pennsylvania and journeyed down to Michael’s family home and homestead to record my first in-person interview, ever, with him, meeting his wife, and his son Wyatt, who was still a babe in arms at the time. Since then, we’ve recorded multip