Scott Thompson Show

Hamilton’s LRT Needs More Land. Will This Delay Further?



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Radley: Hamilton’s light rail transit project needs more land — extra slivers from at least 122 properties — to make room for “public realm” improvements. Are the Blue Jays okay…? What does the death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, known to many as “The Butcher of Tehran,” mean for the Middle East at this point in history? Federal Information Commissioner Caroline Maynard says the Trudeau government has cut her budget by 5 per cent, a move that will make it even more difficult to press Ottawa for information that Canadians request or to take the government to court. One-third of Canada’s debt will be refinanced this year at elevated interest rates, a significant cost to taxpayers that Conservatives argue could have been avoided if the government had issued more of the country’s debt in the form of long-term bonds when rates were lower. New home construction in Ontario has slowed to a pace not seen since 2018, putting Premier Doug Ford's government further off track fr