Breaking Math Podcast

55: Order in the Court (Transfinite Ordinal Numbers)



As a child, did you ever have a conversation that went as follows:"When I grow up, I want to have a million cats""Well I'm gonna have a billion billion cats""Oh yeah? I'm gonna have infinity cats""Then I'm gonna have infinity plus one cats""That's nothing. I'm gonna have infinity infinity cats""I'm gonna have infinity infinity infinity infinity *gasp* infinity so many infinities that there are infinity infinities plus one cats"What if I told you that you were dabbling in the transfinite ordinal numbers? So what are ordinal numbers? What does "transfinite" mean? And what does it mean to have a number one larger than another infinite number?[Featuring: Sofía Baca; Diane Baca]Ways to support the show:PatreonBecome a monthly supporter at episode is released under a Creative Commons attribution sharealike 4.0 international license. For more information, go to CreativeCommoms.orgThis episode features the song "Buffering" by "Quiet Music for Tiny Robots"