Jonny Gould's Jewish State

27: Baroness Ruth Deech: Why the Holocaust Memorial shouldn't be built in Westminster



Baroness Ruth Deech gave me more than I bargained for in this wide-ranging interview. I asked a question, she replied with 120% of an answer. Ruth discusses the rise of British antisemitism, the post-Holocaust record of Poland, campaigning to ease tough abortion laws, restoring university maintenance grants to aid social mobility and the role of the BBC. Baroness Deech tells me: • about her lack of surprise at Sir Richard Evans’ decision to vote for Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour before claiming to change his mind after an open letter in the New Statesman by Anthony Julius. Sir Richard, a world authority on the rise of Nazism, was an expert defence witness of Deborah Lipstadt when holocaust denier David Irving sued her and her publisher for libel. • she believes EU Council President Donald Tusk should “sort his own country out first before interfering in ours”. • leaving Europe will be “absolutely excellent because we will not be sucked into anti-Jewish sentiment sweeping Europe. Our democracy and tolerance of minori