In Bed With Neil Moodie

S2 - Ep 2 Guest: Ben West, Multi Award winning 19yr Old Mental Health Campaigner



In this episode I'm joined by the courageous and unbelievably inspiring 19 year old Ben West. Ben lost his 15 year old brother Sam in Jan 2018 after Sam tragically took his own life, on what was a normal Sunday evening at their family home. Following this terribly sad incident, Ben decided to channel his grief into saving others the same pain he and his family have suffered, through campaigning for mandatory training in mental health first aid, for all educators of the UK’s young people, With the help of friends he organised a walk to raise awareness and funds for the foundation set up in Sam's name, plus he created a campaign and petition on calling for this mandatory training. Aiming for 15,000 signatures the campaign to date is now just shy of 300,000 signatures and has since been presented to the UK’s prime minister, surrounded by huge amounts of press. The work Ben and his friends have done has lead to Ben being nominated and winning many awards this year for his phenomenal work. Ben ta