In Bed With Neil Moodie

S1 - Ep 10 “In Bed With Neil Moodie” with guest Bay Garnett



My guest on this episode is Bay Garnett who was born in Bath, is a stylist, author, editor, wife and mother of 2 She studied art history and modern history at the University of Exeter gaining her first work experience in Venice and New York In the 90’s Bay co-launched the New York version of underground, anti-fashion magazine Cheap Date, which began in London The magazine was completely based around Thrift store clothing ( or second hand clothing as it was then known in the UK) . She went on to became a contributor to British Vogue in the 2000’s and has consulted on many big fashion brands bringing to them, her unique fashion sense. Her thrift store style has won her the unofficial title of The Queen of Thrift, and currently she is contributing fashion editor to the UK weekly, and award winning supplement ES Magazine. Bay also currently styles the Oxfam fashion show, which is the UK charity whose commitment is to fighting poverty.