In Bed With Neil Moodie

S1 - Ep 9 “In Bed With Neil Moodie” with guest Stewart Roberts



My guest on this episode is a born and raised Essex geyser, who began hairdressing in 1978 after falling for a girl who worked in a local salon. Luckily he fell in love with hairdressing too and he went on to open his own salon 10 years later. Stewart came to visit me in London where we talked about him being 13 years sober from alcohol, setting up The Sober Living Action Group in 2013, a programme with holistic treatments for alcoholics, and also in Nov 2014 creating the award winning Haircuts for Homeless. He also discusses the struggles homeless people go through and about his new haircutting training scheme for the homeless to join and help give them a career and hopefully a new start in life. To donate or check out Haircuts for Homelesss go to with the word four like the actual number 4, you can also check out the Sober Living Action Group on facebook.