The Tranquility Tribe Podcast

Ep. 271: How to Potty Train from Birth with Heather Medlin



Heather is a professional architect, entrepreneur, and mother of two three and under. Her passion for sustainability and frustration with traditionally potty training her oldest led her to try Elimination Communication with her second baby. With her youngest using the potty at 5 weeks and able to take HERSELF by 12 months, Heather is now on a mission to show new and expecting parents everywhere what is possible and how they too can naturally potty train their babies from as early as birth.  As the host of the Ready From Birth Community, she brings together EC parents from all over the world so they can relax and enjoy the journey to early toilet independence without ever having to navigate the roadblocks alone. The Ready From Birth Course launched in May 2024, so new and expecting parents can get all the information they need to start EC and have their baby toilet independent as early as walking! Birth Education: Join The Birth Lounge here for judgment-free childbirth education that prepares you for an inform