Breaking Math Podcast

98. Math in Drag: An Episode with Math Educator Kyne Santos



SummaryIn this conversation, Gabriel Hesch interviews Kyne Santos, an online creator who combines art, music, and performance in math education. They discuss the intersection of math and music, the controversy surrounding math and drag, and the creative side of math. They also explore topics such as topology, mathematical shapes, and influential books in math. The conversation highlights the importance of challenging traditional definitions and finding new and innovative ways to engage with math education.Takeaways Math and music have a strong connection, and math can be used to analyze, manipulate, and create music. Combining art and math education can make learning math more engaging and fun. Topology is a branch of mathematics that relaxes the rigid terms used in geometry and focuses on the similarities and differences between shapes. Mathematical discoveries can come from playing around and exploring different possibilities. Challenging traditional definitions and thinking creatively are important as