An Herbal Diary: Culinary Herbalism | Medicine Recipes

The Medicine of Tree Bark and Flowering Spring Trees



What makes a tree medicinal? The answer to this question depends on the medicine we are searching for. Especially in spring, trees can be medicine for our eyes. After the grayness of winter, glorious flowering trees like dogwood and magnolia are sweet visions. Aside from landscaping decoration, both dogwood and magnolia along with many other trees,have long been used for strong medicines derived from their bark.Tree bark has phytochemicals that make it bitter, astringent, and highly antimicrobial. Bark is a tree’s protective layer, helping it to survive through winter cold and other dangers like bacteria, fungi and troublesome insects.  The same phytochemicals in tree bark offer much medicine to humans as well.  Join me in this episode for more on tree bark and the medicine of dogwood and magnolia trees. Sending you lovely spring thoughts and thank you for joining me! ---Deepest gratitude to Andrea Klunder, my podcast boss.  Find her at  Original music by Dylan Rice Please send me yo