White Horse Inn

Losing Our Sanity: What We’re Afraid Of



People today are living in a constant state of fear. The fight or flight instinct has become a routine way of life, subverting fact gathering and fact checking, and causing careful deliberation, logical thought, and empathy towards others to take a holiday. In this first episode discussing Michael Horton’s new book, Recovering Our Sanity: How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears That Divide Us, the WHI hosts consider both the gift of fear and its manipulation. They discuss what we fear and why, and how the gospel of Christ offers an alternate perspective on what threatens us. Michael Horton also reflects on how his emergency heart surgery earlier this year has continued to shape his thoughts on fear and its antidote. __________ Throughout the month of August, for a gift of $30 or more, you can get a copy of my newest book, Recovering Our Sanity - How the Fear of God Conquers the Fears That Divide Us. To request your copy, go to whitehorseinn.org/fearofgod. __________ Become a partner and you will receive all of