White Horse Inn

Word-Saturated Prayer



Scripture has much to say about prayer, both in its teaching about who God is as the one who enables and receives our prayers, and in the way it gives language for every human circumstance and emotion. In this episode of White Horse Inn, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Adriel Sanchez look beyond the Lord’s Prayer to other biblical passages that give shape to how we approach God in prayer, allowing us to communicate with praises, laments, statements of intention, and questions. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can afford! To find out more, head over to modernreformation.org/subscribe. __________ Become a partner and you will receive all of the White Horse Inn extended episodes, access to our extensive archive as well as a subscription to our magazine, Modern Reformation. Head over to whitehorseinn.org/podcastpartner.