White Horse Inn

Made for Another World



This series has helped us to see that we can enjoy God’s creational gifts without guilt. But God also gives us eschatological gifts that prepare us for our heavenly home. So what happens when we have an over-realized or under-realized eschatology? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, and Bob Hiller talk about life between the “now” and the “not yet,” considering the role of virtue in the Christian life and how the law gives shape to the good life as we’re conformed to the image of Christ. __________ To receive our new book, 30 Years Closer: Essays for a Modern Reformation, for a gift of $50 or more, go to whitehorseinn.org/closer. __________ Listen to our extended length series, Ordinary, for free! Just head over to whitehorseinn.org/offers.