White Horse Inn

Life in His Name



If Christ really rose from the dead, then it must have major ramifications for our lives. So how does the resurrection shape us? In this episode of White Horse Inn, Eric Landry, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, and Doug Powell discuss the impact of Christ’s resurrection at the cosmic level, institutional level, and personal level. They consider what it means that Christ is victorious over Satan, sin, hell, death, and the grave; they unpack what it means to say “Jesus is Lord”; and they celebrate our ultimate comfort and hope found in the risen Christ. __________ Download our free PDF about the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ written by Justin Holcomb. Just head over to whitehoseinn.org/offers. __________ Our magazine, Modern Reformation, has been newly redesigned and it comes with a special price: whatever you can afford! To find out more, head over to modernreformation.org/subscribe.