St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Daring to Draw Near



I confess, I have not looked forward to this one—Enoch. What the heck is he doing in this rundown of the great heroes of faith? I mean seriously, when you read the list, he is the most unlikely, at least on the surface. All of the folk in the rundown of Old Testament greats demonstrate their faith in an extraordinary manner. By faith…and then some heroic activity. So much so that in a summary of their greatness in Hebrews 11: 33 we read, “through faith they conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, punched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war. Put foreign armies to flight.” Yea! That is what I am talking about.            And yet, while Hebrews 11 tells us all the great things that some of our forbearers did, Enoch is the only one that by faith doesn’t really do anything much, but rather has something done to him by God. His is not much a backstory; it is buried in all the “begettings” of chapter 5