Global I.q. Minute With Jim Falk

NEW COLD WARS China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, And America’s Struggle To Defend The West



The Berlin Wall came down in 1989 followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. For many in the West, this represented the end of the Cold War and symbolized capitalism’s triumph over communism. However, in China and Russia it was merely a setback in their fight against Western influence. Putin and Xi Jinping have since begun trying to rectify their nation’s 20th century mistakes by testing the boundaries of the West. Putin is pushing back against NATO’s westward expansion with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Xi Jinping has his sights set on reclaiming the island nation of Taiwan, adding a final chapter to the Chinese Communist Revolution that begun in 1927. Russia and China have grown stronger by forging relationships with India, Brazil, and South Africa. Many are beginning to realize the Cold War never ended – it only took a brief pause. Where does this leave the U.S.? Are we willing to defend democracy from these threats? Are we as inclined to fight communism as we were last century? Join the Council