Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Junk Food Keeps You Up At Night



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C8AUq2Xt7z-/ That junk food you wolf down during the day increases your chances of a wakeful night by up to 9%.  Doesn’t sound like much, but it can be the difference between a good night of uninterrupted sleep and lots of tossing and turning. French investigators at the Sorbonne surveyed 38,570 subjects with an average age of 50 years about their sleep and eating habits.  Almost one in every five suffered from insomnia and 16% of the group’s dietary intake consisted of ultra-processed food (UPF). The data showed that even a 10% increase in dietary junk food led to a 9% greater risk of insomnia for the males snd a 5% greater risk for females.  Both increases were statistically significant. What are the junk foods we’re talking about?  Sugary breakfast cereals, flavored potato chips, fried chicken, frozen blended coffee drinks, energy drinks, artificially flavored cheese crackers, sugary granola bars, and sodas.  A diet of these will not only interrupt your nightly sl