Sex Is Medicine With Devi Ward

How to get over cheating and betrayal with Milt and Mia



Join Devi as she interviews Milt and Mia from the Milt and Mia Show! They will discuss their new book "Get Over Yourself! The handbook on cheating and betrayal", and how to look at the state of modern sexual relationships in an attempt to teach us all how to Get Over Ourselves and get on to the life we should be living!Learn how to:Stop taking your problems so seriously, and learn to laugh at yourself while you change your life to how you actually want to live it!Meet Milt and Mia!R. Milton Quibner is a Relationship Specialist and the author of How High Should I Jump: The Satirical Guide to Pleasing Today's Woman, and Life Wizard, Mia Matters, is an RN who specializes in Sexual Relationships. Living in Northern California, they've been married 25 years and have two children together. Their weekly podcast, Get Over Yourself! The MiltnMia Show! can be heard on Itunes, TuneIn and Podcast: Get Over Yourself! The MiltnMiaShow!