Sex Is Medicine With Devi Ward

Rebelle Sex and Free Speech!



How comfortable do you feel talking about sex? Do you feel it is important for adults to have a format for healthy sexual expression & information? Join Devi and guest Lori Ann Lothian- contributing editor at Elephant Journal, The Good Men Project, and writer for Huffington Post.Lori Ann will be sharing more about her latest project Rebelle Sex, censorship, and the double standard around "free speech" when it comes to sex. She will also gives us the inside scoop about her most recent debacle with Facebook censorship, and her behind the scenes expose'!“There is a deep seated cultural shame and fear around nudity and sexuality. There is not a space yet for healthy expressions of either and instead we see the shadow in porn and sexy advertising that objectifies the body as a sex siren but fails to honour the sacred and the purely healthy animal in each of us.” ~ Lori Ann Lothian