
SITB 231 feat. Todd Mercer (Artist Manager)



As many of you know, I love to have guests on that are behind the scenes in the music industry because they are a pivotal factor as artists grow throughout their career. Today's guest is someone who does exactly that. Episode 231 features Todd Mercer of Sherwood Management who oversees Cloverdale and his label Vibrancy along with Vibrancy Festival. Many of you are familiar with the high-octane DJ/Producer Cloverdale but Todd was there on day for the project. In fact, Cloverdale was the one who said I need to have Todd on because he brings such a fresh and unique perspective for building a brand and I couldn't agree more. This interview was incredible. It goes without saying how great of a dude Todd is but I learned so much from him during our time. He talked about how to look at their brand as a business but also how to maintain the authenticity without compromising too much for short-term opportunities. He provided insight on how they've built Cloverdale's label "Vibrancy" to become one of the most well-r