

Chances are, many of you either know someone who’s fighting cancer, or perhaps you’re even facing this battle yourself right now. When I was diagnosed with terminal cancer back in 2016, the path forward was unclear. Traditional medicine and well-meaning doctors pointed me down the usual path, but something inside me said, “No, there’s got to be another way.”  Today, I’m sharing how I found another way and beat cancer. I want to make one thing clear, a cancer diagnosis is not the end. When I was first diagnosed, I decided right then I wouldn’t be among the 80% who don’t make it. I was committed to beating this thing. You’ll learn why maintaining a positive attitude makes a huge difference, not only for you but also for your loved ones.  Instead of blindly following the doctor’s orders, I took control of my healing journey and defeated cancer. That’s my wish for you - that you will overcome this challenge and go on to live a long, joyous life surrounded by the people you love. KEY TAKEAWAYS A diagnosis is a st