Jonny Gould's Jewish State

14: Lance Forman, smoking salmon, leaving Europe: the story of London's last salmon smokehouse



Jonny produces these podcasts in support of the Jewish diaspora and Israel. You can help support the show here. My guest is a fourth generation smoked salmon purveyor and a former EU politician (if not a European Union supporter). Lance Forman was elected as a Brexit Party MEP in the 2019 European election, which he says shouldn't have happened in the first place. He accuses the political class of being fast and loose with extremist rhetoric, while being cowardly in making the big decisions lest they lose votes. He plots a 115-year history of the family business, H Forman & Son and describes the challenges of succession, planning and adapting to modern times. He harks for a return to the days of Margaret Thatcher, says Nigel Farage is "Maggie in men's clothing" and "antisemite" Jeremy Corbyn and allies' vision of "Britain as Venezuela" needs preventing. He's proud to be a Jewish member of the party, shrugging off the unpleasant daubing of a swastika on his factory shutter by what he describes as an “extinctio