Moments With Marianne

DIYBook with Barbara Basbanes Richter



Have you always wanted to write a book but didn’t know where to start? Tune in for an inspiring discussion with Barbara Basbanes Richter on her French to English translation Mademoiselle de Malepeire by Fanny Reybaud, and her work DIYBook and In Ink Ghostwriting.Moments with Marianne airs in the Southern California area on KMET1490AM & 98.1 FM, an ABC Talk News Radio affiliate.  Barbara Basbanes Richter is an accomplished author, public speaker, French-to-English translator, podcast host of Writing for Immortality, and founder of DIYBook and In Ink Ghostwriting. Raised in a home steeped in books and greatly influenced by her father, an award-winning editor and National Book Award finalist, Barbara's upbringing richly nurtured her literary heritage and profoundly honed her critical thinking skills. Barbara’s multifaceted career, marked by her roles as the Managing Editor for Literary Features Syndicate, columnist for Fine Books and Collections Magazine, and contributor to The Wall Street Journal, The New Y