Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Reenergizing the Body with Dave Asprey: How Laziness Will Change Your Health for the Better



Today on The Girlfriend Doctor, we welcome Dave Asprey as he launches his revolutionary book Smarter Not Harder. He takes you on a journey, as you rewire your biology for rest and rehabilitation instead of living in fight or flight.  Exercise has not changed since its inception, and Dave is here to uproot the traditional system of endless vigorous exercise. He found the flaw in the logic of working hard for better results. It turns out that your body craves rest, and endless workouts are conditioning your body to stay in perpetual survival mode! He teaches you how to reprogram your biology to achieve the best health of your life! Most people are not eating enough food, or are eating nutrient-deficient diets and depleting their energy with long bouts of extreme exercise. The path to health does not need to be a struggle. Dave teaches you how to dismantle your limiting beliefs about your health, so you can own your biology!   KEY TAKEAWAYS [2:50] Dave’s evolution into bio-hacking [9:00] The laziness principle [