Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Maximizing Your Impact: How to Look, Feel & Live Like a Leader



Maximizing Your Impact: How to Look, Feel and Live Like a Leader How can you create: A lean, fit body filled with energy and vitality A mindset that propels you to be, do and have more A dynamic, charismatic and magnetic image that invites people to want what you have A lifestyle that not only supports but amplifies your growth It’s not as hard as you think when you focus on 4 crucial areas that need to be strengthened in order to become your personal/professional best and Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC, FDN The Mojo Coach® will show you how. She’ll share the secrets and strategies you need to know to “get your mojo back”, create that business edge, get you to the top of your game, and live the life you crave…once and for all. You’ll learn… The 4 crucial areas to strengthen in order to become your physical, mental and emotional best How your beliefs, behaviors, habits, relationships and stress level are causing health/wellness or illness/disease…and what to do about it How to purposefully, powerfully and passion