The Melissa Ambrosini Show

589: Making $70M with Chat Funnels & Automated DMs | Natasha Willis



Want to know the marketing strategy that’s changed the game in my business?Automated DMs.This is a strategy you’ve probably seen in action before on social media, even if you didn’t quite know how it worked — or how powerful it was.At the most basic level, it works like this: a social media account will say something like “Comment RECIPE” in their post. Then when you comment, an automated bot instantly sends you the recipe inside your DMs.But let me tell you, there is SO much more to this strategy than just that. (When I say that it’s “changed the game” in my business, I really do mean it!)So to dive deep into this hugely powerful marketing technique, I'm joined by Natasha Willis, a genius marketing strategist and the co-founder of School of Bots. Natasha has helped online businesses (including mine) generate millions in revenue — over $65M all up — through her automated DM strategies, and now she's here to share her secrets with us.In this massively inspiring conversation, you’ll learn how to introduce