Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

Advocating While Black With Cheryl Poe, MS



So, let's talk about the struggles of being neurodivergent and Black, and how advocacy can help make a world that’s truly accepting, loving, and just… As a mother to two neurodivergent Black sons and being neurodivergent herself, Cheryl Poe, MS, has gone through firsthand experiences of how cruel the world can get for disabled individuals. Not to mention that it actually gets tougher when you also happen to be Black. Quoting her words—it’s a struggle; it’s a fight—especially for our children whose schools promote microaggressions and racist acts. But this has to stop. Change needs to happen. Work needs to be done. So, join us today as we refuse to be victims of the system. Together, let us fight for our rights. Why you need to check this episode: Discover the cruel experiences and struggles neurodivergent people face in their day-to-day, especially kids, and when they also happen to be Black; Recognize the true meaning of allyship, and why it’s important that we learn how to advocate for Black people the rig