Jay And Dave For Breakfast - Triple M Mackay & The Whitsundays

The Call With Tammy



We received this email from Jamie-Lee: "Hey Jay & Dave, how are you both? I know you guys do some amazing things on this show and I want to reach out. I have a young single mum dying of cancer, 41 years young. She has days/week to live. She has a 21 yr old son & 10 year old daughter. It’s her birthday Thursday 20th June and it’s her dying wish to make her birthday and take her 10-year-old daughter to the show for the very last time….the hospital has given the ok for a day pass if she makes it to Thursday. She’s very humble and wouldn’t want anyone making a fuss. My heart aches to see this. Her young daughter lost her dad to cancer as a baby. Yesterday I was there to witness Tammy (the mother) tell her young daughter that it is time for her to go to heaven with daddy.