Collège De France (général)

Conférence - Karl-Oskar Lindgren : Perpetuity of the Past: How Political Inequality is Transmitted Across Generations



Philippe AghionCollège de FranceÉconomie des institutions, de l'innovation et de la croissanceAnnée 2022-2023Leveling the Political Playing Field: Can Democracy Deliver on its Promise of Equal Political Opportunity?Conférence - Karl-Oskar Lindgren : Perpetuity of the Past: How Political Inequality is Transmitted Across GenerationsIntervenant(s)Karl-Oskar LindgrenProfesseur de sciences politiques, université d'UppsalaRésuméThe notion that every citizen should have equal opportunities to influence political decisions is a fundamental principle in liberal democratic thought. However, decades of political science research have consistently shown that individuals with politically active parents are more inclined to become politically engaged themselves. In this lecture, we will explore various potential explanations for the robust intergenerational correlations in political participation observed in many modern democracies. These explanations encompass social, economic, and biological factors.Utilizing detailed da