Breaking Math Podcast

Minisode: Absolutely Nothing



In this episode of Breaking Math, Autumn and Gabe explore the concept of nothingness and its significance in various fields. They discuss the philosophical, scientific, mathematical, and literary aspects of nothingness, highlighting its role in understanding reality and existence. They mention books like 'Incomplete Nature' by Terence Deacon and 'Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea' by Charles Seife, which delve into the concept of absence and zero. The episode concludes by emphasizing the complexity and versatility of nothingness, inviting listeners to think deeper about its implications.Keywords: nothingness, philosophy, science, mathematics, literature, reality, existence, absence, zeroSubscribe to Breaking Math wherever you get your podcasts.Become a patron of Breaking Math for as little as a buck a monthFollow Breaking Math on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WebsiteFollow Autumn on Twitter and InstagramFollow Gabe on Twitter.Have suggestions or want to come on the show? Fill out the form br