Rural Roots Canada

The Agricultural and Economical Potential of Nanotechnology



Nanotechnology has long since moved out of the realm of science fiction. The practical applications of nanotechnology and its economic potential for many industries, including agriculture, are seemingly limitless.  At the forefront of nanotechnology and agriculture stands Convergent Bio. Launched earlier this year by a group of scientists, engineers, agronomists, and market specialists, the company aims to explore nanotechnology and its potential in agriculture.  Jason White is the Chief Innovation Officer at Convergent Bio. He admits he used to have doubts about nanotech. As a toxicologist, he had concerns nanotechnology was potentially disastrous.  “I started hearing about nanomaterials and nanotoxicology years ago," he says. "I’m a toxicologist, so I looked at it as the next emerging contaminant. They were being used everywhere, and my concern was about overexposure and risk.” This feature is sponsored by Radiate Roots.