St. Patrick Presbyterian Church, Epc

Faith In Crisis



If you are wondering about growing in faith, one thing is for sure: God will introduce crisis in your life. We don’t really change much if everything is going well. By crisis, I mean things that rock your world and your foundations – things that call for decisions that make you move out or leave stuff behind. Hard truth for people in suburbia and yet it is true.Abraham in the Bible is the archetype of faith. In other words if your really want to dig in to a life of faith, Abraham is your guy. He is looked to as the father of faith in there major religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There is a reason Abraham figures so prominently in the Story of Redemption. It is to him that the great promise comes, of God forming a people and also that from his seed the whole world would be blessed. To him comes the great covenant that ultimately will land Jesus on the cross and it is why Abraham gets the most press in Hebrews 11.And yet, it was not a straight line. Genesis doesn’t wallpaper over Abraham’s sin, his do