Success Smackdown Live With Kat

The discipline of trusting in the Lord



Holding faith, believing bigger, building can be really intense. There have been moments where I have been looking down the barrel of everything God is showing me to believe  - and to just believe. Because that is choice and a discipline. God has asked some of us to weld His weapons on the front line. And you have to accept the mantle. Do you want to believe this big? Are you willing to believe this big? Your either a person that leans towards crazy faith or normalcy. It’s not what you see, its what God says. Keep listening to this faith filled livestream x Hi, I'm Katrina Ruth. Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new ministry Katrina Ruth Ministries, and God has taken over the 'show' at the coaching business The Katrina Ruth Show. I write, speak, create and share whatever He leads me to each day. Always Spirit-led. I run programs and courses for faith-led entrepreneurs who desire