Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

High Tech Stool Test



•High tech stool test could save you a colonoscopy Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C8qpILUM7wd/ I’ve mentioned the FIT test in past reports.  The letters stand for fecal immunological test, a screening test that detects the presence of blood hemoglobin in stool.  The FIT is a Yes/No test, and if it’s YES, it’s time for a colonoscopy.  Now Taiwanese investigators report in JAMA that a sensitive fecal test that can sensitively and precisely report the actual concentration of hemoglobin in the stool and predict the likelihood of bowel cancer and mortality.  In their study of 3.5 million subjects, this personalized, precision stool blood test reduced the need for colonoscopy by 28% freeing more than one in four persons from that awful prep. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaoncology/fullarticle/2818569 #fit #hemoglobin #blood #fecal #colonoscopy #colon #cancer #blood #test #colonoscopy