Packers Talk

Packers Therapy #456: Actual Information with Chad Reuter



Chris and Dave decided to try something different and feature a guest on the latest podcast, somebody that actually knows something about football...and not just some schlub off the street: The fellas welcome NFL Draft Analyst Chad Reuter to the program. Chad is bullish on Bullard, but he's also hangin' with Mr. Cooper. In short, Chad likes what the Packers did in the draft and could see several of the rookies starting for the team this fall. Chad breaks in all down and leaves Chris and Dave dumbstruck with his Football Knowledge, which is admittedly not that hard to do.Patreon: Packerstherapy@yahoo.comPosting its first show in 2005, Packers Therapy is the longest-running Packers podcast on the Internet. Hosts Chris and Dave began the show as a way of capturing the spirited chats the two co-workers had about the team around the office. The two have no pretense about being experts: they are just two opinionated shareholders who love the team, follow it closely, but