Everything Co-op With Vernon Oakes

Live from Black Co-op Agenda Conference w/ Mayor Melvin Carter, Christina NIcholson & Jessica James



June 13, 2024 On June 13, 2024, during the live Broadcast from the National Conference on Black Cooperative Agenda titled "Economic Wealth: Power of Black Cooperative Enterprises,” hosted by the Network for Developing Conscious Communities, Vernon Oakes interviews Mayor Melvin Carter, Christina Nicholson and Jessica James. The conference was a continuation of the legacy work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In a recent interview on Everything Co-op Ron Hantz, president of NDCC states, "We take no credit for the title of the conference. Actually it was initiated by the Poor Peoples Deveopment Foundation (PPDF) which came about in 1968 during Dr. King's efforts to bring attention to the poverty of Black and poor folks in the Country. It was an organization started by Cornielus "Cornbread" Givens and Bayard Rustin to bring about education about cooperatives in communities that were needing economic opportunities, as well as bringing food to those communities as well." Ironically, the mission of the foundation wa