Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 172: Maria Mason - Intimacy with God Series: Taking Responsibility for Time Well Spent - 23 June 2024



In Luke 10, we read about Martha and Mary, two sisters who offered hospitality to Jesus and the people traveling with Him. They had a brother, Lazarus. The three young people were friends of Jesus. When Jesus came to eat at their home, Mary sat at the Lord's feet and was consumed by His teachings, heart, and ministry. On the other hand, Martha was consumed with serving and preparing the dinner, but as we dive into this portion of scripture, Maria Mason opens an even deeper reality of what was happening. Martha represents our orphan heart, which often manifests a victim mindset and uses victim language to distract us from love. Mary represents the transformative power of the secret place, a place of intimate communion with the Lord. She chose the ‘better thing’ because she had already decided to be a person of the heart. Mary had predetermined to take responsibility for her inner life, which is the most important choice.Maria shares some wisdom about our needs when we come to God. We need time to process our p