Jsedirect With Simon Brown

Can South Africa do +3% GDP next year? (#595)



SA GDP Growth Prospects IMF's projection: 0.9% GDP for South Africa this year. Potential factors for growth next year: Reduced load shedding could add 1% to GDP. Two-pot system introduction, expected to inject around 40 billion rand into the economy. Potential rate cuts: half a percent by the end of the year, possibly 1% by mid-next year. Inflation targeting at 4.5%. Optimistic outlook with a 60-70% probability of achieving 3% GDP in 2025. South Africa GDP Delistings and Market Movements Bell and Sasfin delisting announcements. Other potential delisting candidates in the small-cap space. Importance of constructing a portfolio that can benefit from economic growth and potential takeouts. Bell weekly chart Pick n Pay Rights Issue Explanation of the rights issue and its implications. Instructions for shareholders on handling nil paid letters. Simon's perspective on waiting for dust to settle before considering Pick n Pay shares. Today is the last day to trade before Pick n Pay rights issue kicks in.