Collège De France (général)

Conférence - Sonja Dobkowitz : Transitioning to Green Economies: Uncovering the agency of firms and households



Philippe AghionCollège de FranceÉconomie des institutions, de l'innovation et de la croissanceAnnée 2023-2024Conférence - Sonja Dobkowitz : Transitioning to Green Economies: Uncovering the agency of firms and householdsSonja DobkowitzChercheuse au German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)Sonja Dobkowitz est invitée par l'Assemblée du Collège de France, sur proposition du Pr Philippe Aghion.RésuméThe transition to environmentally friendly economies is one of the main challenges we are facing today. Massive reductions in emissions must be achieved to comply with the climate targets the global community has agreed upon. Clearly, national and global challenges aggravate rigorous environmental policy-making. At the same time, the agency of firms and households has gained attention, both in the political and academic debate. Through responsible production, consumption, and investment, so the logic, economic actors can contribute to reducing environmental pressures. What are the mechanisms unfolding from r