Kate Hastings Show

The Willingness of Day 1



Starting at day one is something we all experience, but in today's society, we often forget that. With the constant influx of comparison and the paralysis of fear, it's easy to lose sight of the importance of beginning, especially when faced with fear, anxiety, and imposter syndrome. Fear is built into our biology to keep us alive and safe, but when it creeps into the wrong areas of our lives, it hinders us from taking action or putting ourselves out there. Many people look at day one expecting the final success chapter, but that’s not how life works. Often, people either have an oversized ego or an unhealthy one. An unhealthy ego is full of pride, fear, entitlement, and comfort. A healthy ego says, "I can achieve excellence, I can pursue greatness, and I am worthy of success no matter the cost." There is a cost and payoff to everything in life. The cost of not starting is an unlived life of fear, weakness, and unfulfilled potential. Potential is the capacity to develop into something in the future; qualities